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FICPA's Renewed Vision and Mission, and Five Year Strategy Plan

The FICPA Vision and Mission play a crucial role in strategic planning and guide the operations of the Institute.

The FICPA Vision

A thriving and future-ready accounting profession that powers the success of Florida businesses and the communities we serve.

The FICPA Mission

To protect the value of the CPA license, promote the accounting profession, educate and enrich the professional excellence of the members we serve, and innovate through forward-thinking leadership.

Five Year Strategy Plan

Our members are at the core of all that we do. The goals in our five year plan focus on membership, advocacy, the value we provide our members and the future of the FICPA Scholarship Foundation.

Goal 1: Diversified Membership and Learning Programs


  • Enhanced membership options for individuals and organizations.
  • High-quality and affordable educational offerings delivered in a variety of formats.
  • Professional development programs focused on emerging topics to help CPAs reskill and adapt to changing dynamics.
  • Florida-specific content and learning.
  • Development training to support career advancement.
  • Enhanced focus on serving CPAs in corporate finance.
  • Strengthened relationships with members, firms, and partners.

Goal 2: Enhance the Member-Value Proposition


  • A "members-first" mindset with exclusive access to content and resources.
  • Development of a new suite of benefits to address acute talent recruitment and retention needs.
  • Tailored benefits for member groups— from sole-practitioners to small firms, corporate finance executives, and young CPAs.
  • Seamless reporting of CPE under new Board of Accountancy requirements.
  • Reinvigorated engagement and resources at the local level.
  • Technology and website enhancements to better facilitate networking and access to member resources.

Goal 3: Strengthen Advocacy and Public Policy Engagement


  • Protect the CPA license in Florida.
  • Launch a comprehensive public affairs campaign to educate both the public and students on the value of the CPA profession.
  • Member engagement, input, and insight into the legislative efforts that impact the profession in Tallahassee and Washington.
  • Continued partnership with DBPR, State Board of Accountancy, and NASBA.
  • IRS service relief and state tax filing extension and relief.

Goal 4: A Foundation for the Future


  • An expanded mission that creates a singular philanthropic funding source for scholarships to address talent-pipeline challenges in Florida.
  • Fortify integration with the FICPA to execute cohesive career development programs that cultivate the accounting profession.
  • A well-funded organization through diversified corporate and individual donor pool.