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AICPA Town Hall Series (10/10/2024)



1.0 Credits

Up-to-the-minute guidance Hear the latest updates on the CARES Act and progress of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) from AICPA executive leads Susan Coffey, EVP - Public Practice, and Erik Asgeirsson, President and CEO, in these weekly town hall webcasts. Topics will be updated weekly. *** Free for AICPA members

Defending Your Workplace Culture: Tackling the 4 Biggest Threats to Your Team Engagement and Cohesion



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

In today's dynamic business environment, preserving a unified and engaged team culture is more challenging than ever. As the rhythm of work accelerates and organizational structures evolve, silent threats can begin to undermine our established team dynamics. These undercurrents, if left unaddressed, can erode morale, dampen productivity, and weaken the team's cohesion. This session offers a deep dive into strategies that can help identify, address, and neutralize these challenges, ensuring a positive, resilient, and inclusive workplace culture. Attendees will be equipped with a blend of insights and actionable strategies, enabling them to both recognize and respond to these potential pitfalls.

The Future of Communication: How AI and Synthetic Media Can Transform Your Business



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

Did you know that AI can now write your marketing copy? Create videos with your digital likeness? Provide subjective advice to your clients? Produce training for your employees? Even if you're on the fence about trusting artificial intelligence tools, knowing about these technologies, especially when combined with forms of synthetic media (think deep fakes, but not nefarious), is important for any business leader. Imagine being able to have your likeness communicate in over 40 languages. Think about how amazing it would be to create customized content for every situation without building each piece from scratch. Marvel at how that *perfect* image can manifest from typing just a few keywords. In this session you'll learn about the evolution of communication technologies, how artificial intelligence has expanded our range of connective possibilities, and what possibilities exist for leveraging these channels of communication in your business. Thankfully, Jan Fraser is your Reinvention expert! Jan has developed the 7 step process for reinventing.  In this course, Jan will introduce you to the steps and show you how you can emerge successfully on the other side of Reinvention, creating your best life and feeling good about yourself in the process!

Surgent's Individual Charitable Planning: Philanthropy for Income Tax Return Reporting



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

Many individuals make contributions to religious, educational, scientific, literary, or other 501(c)(3) charities. For the purposes of tax savings, some forms of giving are more tax advantageous than others. Learn the tax implications on various types of donations and the tax strategies to minimize the tax. Gifts of appreciated non-cash assets may involve tax analysis and proactive planning. Learn how to help navigate charitable giving and properly report noncash charitable contributions on Form 8283. Other strategies involving QCDs (qualified charitable distributions) and donor advised funds will also be discussed.

Treasury Circular 230 for EAs and Other Tax Preparers



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

Please join us for a discussion on Treasury Circular 230 and other ethical issues faced by enrolled agents and other tax preparers.  In addition to covering the practice standards espoused by Treasury Circular 230, there will also be an overview of the applicable provisions in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and common law which will affect tax preparers.  The discussion will conclude with other ethical issues, such as avoiding conflicts of interest, proper fee structure and maintaining competency.  Also included will be case studies illustrating dilemmas faced by tax practitioners.   **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to  

Doing Debt Differently - Your Roadmap to Changes & Choices for Success



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

Debt is a real problem for many clients, business owners, and the general public.  It can be ever increasing and causes financial, emotional and physical challenges that seem to spiral out of control. What if you could help your clients “do debt differently”? This strategy turns the game upside down and presents solutions from the inside out.  As a CPA, you are already a trusted advisor for your clients.  What if you could help your clients be free of this burden?  This is a tremendous resource you can offer to your clients, expanding the value of what you offer them by adding these processes to your packages.  Clients will be happy to pay for this kind of relief as you support them in doing debt differently.   If you are one of the many people who are personally burdened by this situation, these strategies, tools, mindsets and actions will personally help you get better results…so you can go back to the task of expanding and growing your business, sleeping better at night and gaining access to the creativity that will take you to your next level of financial fulfillment.  Paying off debt is an inside/outside job.  Successful strategies include the internal shifts to mindset and enhancing the inner qualities that are most helpful in paying off debt, and practical tools to help make the transition from thinking about paying off debt to actually doing it. This program combines both -- emotional support and dozens of tools and action steps to Do Debt Differently, including: An inventory process to objectively assess the situation and face it head on Guided mind/body processes to alleviate anxiety about the situation Creative exploration (writing and drawing) to gain clarity and specificity Stories and discussion to strengthen your access to the qualities that will be most helpful to your success Using a menu of options to create a personal action plan and an ongoing support team The techniques in this program are creative and easy, but immensely practical.   We will combine practical, nuts-and-bolts action steps with powerful tools for mindset-shifting. There is no reason to continue to suffer the burden and overwhelm of debt. Relief is here! Through discussion, interactive exercises, skill building, mindset shifting and powerful actions, you and your clients could be on your way to a debt free life. Please join me for this empowering approach to changing your financial situation.

2024 Single Audit Update



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

This course will start with a review of the impact of the 2024 Compliance Supplement on Single Audits, as well as, the changes to the Uniform Guidance. We will also review common audit deficiencies found in Single Audits. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Providing Ethical Leadership: Learning to be the Best Version of Yourself



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

This course will examine certain qualities a leader must exhibit to set an ethical tone from the top.

Dealing with Problem Employees: a 15 Step Action Plan for You and Them



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

A team member is not performing satisfactorily.  Tried several corrective actions – none worked.  We must dig to determine the root causes.  We will review a 15-step process to assess all the reasons why they are not performing, so you can reduce and hopefully eliminate performance issues.  Proper planning is essential.  If none of the remedies or suggestions work, we will review how to part ways.  The sooner you address the issues, the sooner the situation can improve.  If you have had one employee problem, this session is for you.  

Valuing Cannabis 2.0: Unique Marijuana Appraisal Challenges



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

This segment will focus on the analytical process required to derive a logical and supportable estimate of value for a regulated marijuana businesses and related intellectual property rights. Valuing recreational and medical license rights for marijuana cultivation, processing or retailing will be emphasized with a focus on use of the income and market approaches to value. A sample sanitized appraisal report will be provided and discussed. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Financial & Tax Accounting for S Corporations



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

This program addresses the many complex financial and tax accounting issues that are common in S corporation transactions, with discussion of common pitfalls and the new AICPA "small" GAAP accounting standards.

2024 Fiduciary Accounting for Estates and Trusts



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

Financial accounting for trusts and estates is one of the least understood branches of accounting. It is not particularly concerned with recording income and expenses but is obsessed with determining whether receipts and expenditures are assigned to income or principal/corpus. This course will dive into this tricky area and provide a reporting guide for fiduciary accounting.

The SECURE Act 2.0 - Planning Opportunities for Employers



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

The Secure Act 2.0 was passed in a flurry of year-end legislation. This one hour program will cover the important changes that employers need to know about company retirement plans. Employers will also need to consider how Secure Act 2.0 will the administration of existing plans or the creation of new ones.  This course will provide a concise look at these hot topics.   **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Creating a High Performance Culture - Post Pandemic



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $55

Discuss trends and changes impacting the American workforce. Discover "why" culture matters, the "benefits" of great cultures, and the workforce challenges created both before and after the pandemic. Once the audience has clarity on these items, the presentation shifts to "how" to create a great culture in our post-pandemic environment. Jim provides practical tools that can be implemented at any organization. Some of the tools are directly related to the new challenges resulting from the COVID-driven pandemic. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Analytical Procedures: Practical Applications and Standards



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

This session explores the nature of analytical procedures, with significant emphasis placed upon professional standards involving the use of analytical procedures in audit and review engagements. Practical examples to illustrate the application process will also be given.

5 Ways Your Onboarding Process Fails to Engage and Retain New Hires



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

According to the Gallup Organization, only 10% of employees believe that their organization does a good job onboarding new employees. This means most organizations are overlooking this crucial phase of the employee lifecycle, which not only includes the often-neglected pre-boarding stage but also the continuous efforts to reduce uncertainty, bolster excitement, and foster connections for their new recruits. By streamlining these processes and crafting impactful moments from pre-boarding through the initial weeks, HR and Business leaders can significantly enhance efficiency, foster trust, and establish a foundation of psychological safety for years to come. In this session, attendees will discover strategies and resources that craft a holistic onboarding experience, mitigating risks like employee ghosting, and paving the way for heightened engagement and retention.

Financial Acumen for the HR Professional



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

Financial Acumen for the HR Professional is a part of the series "The HR Professional's Guide to Evolving Business Strategy, Finance and Development." This course identifies how HR Professionals can increase their financial understanding to participate more effectively with management as well as understand the financial results and implications for the business.

2024 Forgotten Managerial Accounting Tools



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

This session explores managerial accounting techniques with an emphasis on internal decision-making tools. You will appreciate a reminder regarding concepts you may not have considered since your college days. We will revisit managerial accounting concepts by illustrating practical examples that you can immediately bring back to the office!

IRS Penalties and Abatements



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

Penalty abatement is a technique that tax practitioners can utilize to help their clients reduce penalties and interest they owe to the IRS if the taxpayer can prove “reasonable cause.” This informative and insightful webinar will provide you with some insider tips, practical steps and effective strategies to help your client manage IRS tax penalties and interest. Learn about various types of penalties that you may face and the various forms and procedures used for requesting penalty and interest abatement, including First Time and Reasonable Cause abatement. Plus, learn about the procedure to follow when requesting refund of paid penalties. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to  

2024 Financial & Tax Accounting for Partnerships & LLCs



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

This program compares and contrasts the financial accounting for partnerships and LLCs, as well as discusses the tax accounting for these entities. It includes a thorough discussion of the important differences between financial accounting for partnership capital accounts and the tax accounting for partnership capital accounts. Financial accounting for operations of a partnership will also be addressed.