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2024 Real Estate Tax Issues: Passive Activity, Self-Rental & Section 199A



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

This program will provide a detailed analysis of the real estate professional passive activity rules, including forms reporting examples, and integrates those rules with when real estate is considered a "business" under the Section 199A flow-through entity deduction. A detailed analysis of the self-rental passive activity rules will be given, including forms reporting examples and integrates them with the flow-through entity rules related to self-rental. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Communicating Financial Data to Non-Financial Audiences



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $55

Communicating financial data to those who aren't used to hearing it can be a challenge; however, there are some actions you can take to make the information easier to understand and relatable. This course provides you the necessary tools to communicate financial information to non-financial audiences. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Moving Beyond the Basics of Excel



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

This course explores the increasingly complex features of Excel that facilitate efficient data analysis.  We will introduce numerous analytical methods and techniques by using practical examples to illustrate how to unleash the power of Excel when manipulating, analyzing and reporting information.

K2's 2023 Advanced QuickBooks Tips And Techniques



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

QuickBooks remains one of the leading accounting solutions for small and growing businesses and Intuit has added numerous advanced features to the application over the past few releases. In this seminar, you will learn how to take advantage of many of QuickBooks’ new and advanced features to solve important issues. For example, you will learn advanced inventory management techniques, including the ability to change the default costing methodology in QuickBooks, and implementing lot and serial number tracking. You will also learn how to build complete sets of financial statements in Excel that link in real-time to underlying QuickBooks data files and how to create multi-company financial statements. Additionally, you will learn how to put the Client Data Review feature to work to streamline the process of identifying and correcting errors and closing accounting periods in QuickBooks. Knowing how to take advantage of the advanced tools and features available can determine your level of success when working with QuickBooks. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn about QuickBooks’ “deep” features so that you maximize your effectiveness with the application.

2024 Public Procurement Basics: Protecting the People's Money



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

Based on an AICPA Enhancing Audit Quality study, 23% of all single audits subject to enhanced oversight were materially non-conforming with professional standards due to failure to properly test controls over compliance.  This course will provide an overview of internal controls over compliance specifically related to Single Audits. We will discuss how to apply the concept of internal controls to various compliance requirements. Additionally, a common finding in the audits of governmental entities receiving federal grants is misidentifying controls and mistaking compliance for a control. That's why this course will also focus on identifying compliance versus controls over compliance.

Surgent's Annual Accounting and Auditing Update



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $299

Designed for accounting and attestation practitioners at all levels in both public accounting and business and industry, this course provides a comprehensive review of recent standard-setting activities of the FASB and AICPA. In addition to providing a detailed review of SAS No. 145, this course will bring you up to date on FASB and AICPA standards issued over the past few years. The course also provides many hands-on examples and illustrations to help you apply the guidance in practice. In addition to a financial accounting update, the course will discuss what you will need to do differently as you adopt new audit standards 142-149 over the next few years, including a detailed review of the new audit requirements under SAS 142. The course will also cover the key changes related to SSARS No. 25. Finally, the course reviews the AICPA's quality management project. In summary, the course is your go-to source for all things A&A and will prepare you for your upcoming engagements throughout the rest of the year.

5 Ways Your Onboarding Process Fails to Engage and Retain New Hires



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

According to the Gallup Organization, only 10% of employees believe that their organization does a good job onboarding new employees. This means most organizations are overlooking this crucial phase of the employee lifecycle, which not only includes the often-neglected pre-boarding stage but also the continuous efforts to reduce uncertainty, bolster excitement, and foster connections for their new recruits. By streamlining these processes and crafting impactful moments from pre-boarding through the initial weeks, HR and Business leaders can significantly enhance efficiency, foster trust, and establish a foundation of psychological safety for years to come. In this session, attendees will discover strategies and resources that craft a holistic onboarding experience, mitigating risks like employee ghosting, and paving the way for heightened engagement and retention.

2024 Design Flexible Work Options To Attract & Retain Your Workforce



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

With increasing competition for finding the best qualified candidates and retaining today’s workforce, it’s more important than ever to consider flexible work options in the workplace. We will review the most popular flexible work options your company could consider implementing: telecommuting, compressed work weeks, flexible hours, phased return from leave of absence, job sharing, early release days, and more! We’ll discuss the benefits of this talent management strategy, including increased productivity, decreased costs, better work-life “integration”, and increased employee engagement and satisfaction. You’ll learn how to propose flexible scheduling to your executive team, including how to logistically roll out this program. Whether you’re in a manufacturing plant, corporate headquarters, or retail industry, you can apply any of these flexible work options to your organization. 

The Future of Work - Winning Talent Strategies - Micro-Credential Series Part 3



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

This course aims to reveal many examples of companies, leaders and industries who are building new talent models. The world of work is less certain than ever before and this world requires experimentation. In this course you will learn about many experiments that organizations are deploying to build a new model that fits the pace of change the world is experiencing today.  IN this course we will consider many new models and approaches and learn from them. In a world of work with few benchmarks - today organizations need to learn how to experiment and become the benchmark. 

Managing Your Money in Retirement



3.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

You spent your life building retirement savings.  Now you want to make sure your savings last the rest of your life and perhaps pass some on to the next generation.  Come hear a veteran financial educator talk about money management and planning issues for this phase of your life.  

Staff Retention Attract and Keep the Best People



3.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

The COVID pandemic changed the way many people worked, yet others have had remote teams for decades and little changed.  Many organizations trying to bring people back to the office have experienced significant turnover.  Some practices have changed forever while some principles will always remain the same.  Keeping your people happy equals keeping your best people.  Learn the changes you should make now and the things you should do forever!

Consulting Services Secrets



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

Award winning discussion leader Mark Hugh discusses how to create and capture value with consulting services. Whether you want to consult a little or full time, this valuable course reviews identifying a specialty, growing a practice, capturing value, creating deliverables, and effective marketplace marketing strategies.  

The Future of Communication: How AI and Synthetic Media Can Transform Your Business



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

Did you know that AI can now write your marketing copy? Create videos with your digital likeness? Provide subjective advice to your clients? Produce training for your employees? Even if you're on the fence about trusting artificial intelligence tools, knowing about these technologies, especially when combined with forms of synthetic media (think deep fakes, but not nefarious), is important for any business leader. Imagine being able to have your likeness communicate in over 40 languages. Think about how amazing it would be to create customized content for every situation without building each piece from scratch. Marvel at how that *perfect* image can manifest from typing just a few keywords. In this session you'll learn about the evolution of communication technologies, how artificial intelligence has expanded our range of connective possibilities, and what possibilities exist for leveraging these channels of communication in your business. Thankfully, Jan Fraser is your Reinvention expert! Jan has developed the 7 step process for reinventing.  In this course, Jan will introduce you to the steps and show you how you can emerge successfully on the other side of Reinvention, creating your best life and feeling good about yourself in the process!

2024 Performance Management - Hiring to Retiring



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

How you onboard a new employee is critical in ensuring they understand your company culture and are immersed properly in your organization. On the flipside, in the event you are dealing with an employee termination, this too is critical in handling with care and sensitivity.  

Preparing to be a Forensic Accountant - Focus on Network Forensics



1.5 Credits

Member Price: $59

Network forensics - defined as the investigation of network traffic patterns and data captured in transit between computing devices - can provide insight into the source and extent of an attack. It is used in forensic accounting and with the expansion of information technology it has become a growing field. Network forensics is a relatively new field of forensic science. Computing has become network centric. Data is now available outside of disk-based digital evidence. Network forensics can be performed as a standalone investigation or alongside a computer forensics analysis. When used alongside a computer forensic analysis it is used to reveal links between digital devices or reconstruct how a crime was committed. Network investigations deal with volatile and dynamic information and is a sub-branch of digital forensics. It relates to the monitoring and analysis of computer network traffic for information gathering, legal evidence, or intrusion detection. This course is a complement to our other courses in the series on becoming a forensic accountant.  

Ethical Leadership: Power, Influence, Integrity, and Trust



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

Leaders naturally wield power and influence. But, to avoid the temptation of abusing power, leaders must apply ethical behaviors for themselves and others. Words, actions and deeds which demonstrate integrity and trust yield the credibility that make others want to follow ethical leaders. Betraying trust can destroy careers, whole organizations, and lives. This is why trust is a top prerequisite for principled and ethical leadership. Positive (and negative) influence is derived from the credibility trust brings. Ethical leaders who continually work to earn and keep trust reap enormous payback in all aspects of business including superior economic, competitive, and strategic performance.

The Seven High Quality Questions that Lead to Success & Solutions



2.5 Credits

Member Price: $79

“How will I EVER get this all done?"  It’s a question I often hear from clients and on a particularly stressful day, I can hear myself saying these words!  Instead of helping us focus, it's a question that leads to stress, anxiety and overwhelm! Regardless of where we are in business and in life, we will run into challenges and problems as we navigate business growth, leadership, work life balance and our quest for success and happiness. This workshop will explore the 7 HIGH QUALITY questions that lead to relief, enthusiasm and success.  It will be an interactive exploration that will leave you with a game plan to use right away, as well as an opportunity to practice the mindset that the most successful and happiest people use daily.    This program is for both the entrepreneur who wants to be more effective in their day as well as team leaders who want to stand out in their organization.  For the business owner or staff member you can expect a new way to work with your day so that it's profitable, productive and happier.  For leaders, you will learn new up- leveled skills to increase your efficiency, communication and productivity.  You and your team will shine.  Your staff will feel appreciated and connected to their value as well as the company's goals. Albert Einstein said 'we can't solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them'.  The quality of your question will impact the quality of your solution.  Learn the 7 questions that take you from confused and frustrated to creative and focused. 

Doing Debt Differently - Your Roadmap to Changes & Choices for Success



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

Debt is a real problem for many clients, business owners, and the general public.  It can be ever increasing and causes financial, emotional and physical challenges that seem to spiral out of control. What if you could help your clients “do debt differently”? This strategy turns the game upside down and presents solutions from the inside out.  As a CPA, you are already a trusted advisor for your clients.  What if you could help your clients be free of this burden?  This is a tremendous resource you can offer to your clients, expanding the value of what you offer them by adding these processes to your packages.  Clients will be happy to pay for this kind of relief as you support them in doing debt differently.   If you are one of the many people who are personally burdened by this situation, these strategies, tools, mindsets and actions will personally help you get better results…so you can go back to the task of expanding and growing your business, sleeping better at night and gaining access to the creativity that will take you to your next level of financial fulfillment.  Paying off debt is an inside/outside job.  Successful strategies include the internal shifts to mindset and enhancing the inner qualities that are most helpful in paying off debt, and practical tools to help make the transition from thinking about paying off debt to actually doing it. This program combines both -- emotional support and dozens of tools and action steps to Do Debt Differently, including: An inventory process to objectively assess the situation and face it head on Guided mind/body processes to alleviate anxiety about the situation Creative exploration (writing and drawing) to gain clarity and specificity Stories and discussion to strengthen your access to the qualities that will be most helpful to your success Using a menu of options to create a personal action plan and an ongoing support team The techniques in this program are creative and easy, but immensely practical.   We will combine practical, nuts-and-bolts action steps with powerful tools for mindset-shifting. There is no reason to continue to suffer the burden and overwhelm of debt. Relief is here! Through discussion, interactive exercises, skill building, mindset shifting and powerful actions, you and your clients could be on your way to a debt free life. Please join me for this empowering approach to changing your financial situation.

The Controllership Series - Addressing Budgeting Uncertainty



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

With new accounting standards, the economic landscape and evolving technology, accounting, financial reporting and finance continue to grow in complexity. FASB has tried to address the growing complexity, by working towards making GAAP less convoluted.  The struggle to stay on top of accounting financial reporting requirements and finance changes due to the economy continues for several reasons. Lack of in-house SMEs, managing high volumes of transactions, and data and evolving information technology systems. In the future, executives must consider the challenges they will face in future years that will bring their own nuances and complexities. Budgeting is certainly one of those processes that must be evaluated and re-evaluated for efficiency. This session delves into the corporate budgeting process and discusses methods used and which methods may or may not allow for the organization’s to properly plan for a volatile future.

The Future of Work - The Landscape of Work Today - Micro-Credential Series Part 1



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

The world of work today has never before faced so many simultaneous changes. From rising turnover and rising employee disengagement to the changing psychology of the workforce, the world of work is changing fast. In order to understand how to thrive in this complex landscape - we must begin by understanding the key drivers of change. What is changing in the world of work, why are these changes happening, and what can we expect will continue to change and what may not change. These are the elements we will explore in this class.